Copied from the Pardus Forum... this big chunk of text is written 100% by me.
We will start the Seventh Cycle today, on the Tenth of November, in the 2013th Year after the Second Great War.
But most importantly, we will celebrate the Descension of Kai-Rang and His Matriarchs..
[if you're not interested in roleplay, skip this part!]I remember fondly how Codex Delphi told me the story of how the Theocracy of Kai-Rang came to be.
Sit down, young pilgrims, and listen as I will pass it on to you.
Thousands of years ago, even before the Great Wars, a religious group that we call the Ancient Theocracy emerged on Rashkan. It thrived for a while, but it was destroyed as the Rashkir race tumbled into the largest civil war in the known history of the universe. All the temples were destroyed, and those who believed slowly lost their faith as the war lasted on and on for centuries.
Allegedly, the only remains were the mysterious Obsidian Tablets, holding all the knowledge of the Ancients, in the last remaining temple of the Ancient Theocracy. But they were lost, and as the wheel of time turned, history became legend, and legend became a myth, and eventually, even that myth was mostly lost in time. Only very few people remained who knew they were still there... somewhere waiting to be found. Millennia passed this way, as the universe evolved.
Codex Delphi, back then a naïve and young nomad coming from the Vreysian Plains on Vega, was intrigued by the obsidian tablets, a story he heard from his grandfather in his childhood.
After reaching his piloting license, he travelled to Rashkan and spent years exploring the planet, finding the missing pieces of the puzzle. It became his sole purpose to find the tablets, almost an obsession.
He traversed the unexplored caves and chasms below the surface of Rashkan. And deep within, he found an ancient temple. As he went inside, there was an old chest with strange symbols... and inside he found the Obsidian Tablets. Runes engraved on obsidian tablets as black as the void of space. He told me that, as he held a tablet in his hands, he felt its power coursing through him. At that moment, he knew there was something more than we could possibly imagine. A force so powerful, so elemental... a fundamental part of the universe.
He told me he could not read the runes, unless he held the Tablets in his hands. All the wisdom we possess came from the Tablets. The first time he read the tablets out loud, he Summoned the Sky Dragon Kai-Rang.
Engulfed in flames of pure energy, Kai-Rang materialised on Rashkan. Followed by the Koo-Kairangi: Wives of Kai-Rang. Dragon Goddesses we call the Matriarchs. Each of them represent the 16 aspects of a Rashkir warrior's soul.
That moment, the Theocracy of Kai-Rang was formed.
And today? Today there were tensions. Not negative tensions, but positive ones. Temples all over the universe were being quiet today. They were aware of what was going on, and joyful rumours emerged.
I, Solarix, the Runic Guardian of Koo-Rir, Matriarch of Wrath, had taken up the position of High Priest of Kai-Rang; leader of the Theocracy, a little over three weeks ago, right after the majority of the Runic Guardians left. I'm currently the only active Guardian remaining.
Meanwhile, I have sent countless messages to the temples, telling them, cryptically, to prepare for more pilgrims and to stock up on gem stones. Of course, this led to questions from the Temples. They obliged, and I did not answer their questions.
But today, I confirmed the rumours:
I would become the new Rune Master of the Theocracy of Kai-Rang.
This could mean just one thing: the return of Festivals and Pilgrimages!
The Stones Will Flow!
__________________________________________________________________________Okay, enough of the roleplay background
I am
Solarix. The new Rune Master of the Theocracy.
I will dedicate myself to guide the Pilgrims on their Pilgrimages, and I will award Stones during the Festivals.
Both the Festivals and Pilgrimages will be reintroduced, now entirely up-to-date under my guard.
This is the thread where I will explain the Festivals. Another thread, dedicated to the Pilgrimages, will go up soon as well.
Everyone can participate in the Festivals, but as you will soon notice: pilots who (temporarily) join the Theocracy, will gain additional Stones during these festivals.
And the rewards, along with the friendly nature of our alliance, makes the joining well worth your time. You might even become a permanent resident of our temple!
Some explanation first:
Each Cycle lasts a total of roughly 30 weeks, and consists of 17 different "Festivals" and the "Ascension" and the "Great Pilgrimage".
The composition and its main festivities may vary or change.
You can acquire Stones during each festival by performing certain actions. Although some actions may be better done in certain Festivals.
There is a "Season of War", where the Theocrats will be more aggressive. Now, don't expect us to actually raze a sector. But hey, we might go have a bit of fun in the NZ, so you better be careful out there.
The Season of War will always be festivals of:
Kaj (fire), Rir (wrath), Adauchi (vengeance), Pakanga (war)
in random order.
Followed by the Festival of Koo-Its (peace), to publicly praise and honor our enemies / victims that we harmed during the Season of War.
There is also a "Season of Light", where the Theocrats will be more peaceful than usual, helping other pilots and alliances out.
This season consists of the festivals of:
Paibisundarat (beauty), Koura (gold), Kangenraga (music), Chahana (love), and Kotinga (harvest) in random order.
The other matriarchs are before the Season of War, or between the Season of War and Season of Light. Season of Light is always the last "set" in a Cycle.
After the Season of Light ended, there is the Ascension.
This is a one week period where Dragon Guards, Obsidian Guards, High Priests, and Runic Templars can challenge the Runic Guardians for their title, and become a Runic Guardian themselves.
After the Ascension, we collectively go on a Great Pilgrimage, passing each planet and starbase on our path together, celebrating with giving out random resources and credits to pilots we pass, as well as killing the Matriarchs in their respective dens.
The Great Pilgrimage lasts for up to 2 weeks.
After the Great Pilgrimage ends, the Cycle ends as well. Then the whole thing starts over again after 2 weeks of resting.
If there are any questions, feel free to PM me.