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 Obsidian Dragon

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Sir Whoa
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Sir Whoa
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Sir Whoa

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptySat Feb 21, 2015 4:47 pm

Since hearing of the existence of an "Obsidian Dragon" and the accompanying Obsidian Guard title and Obsidian Pilgrimage, I've been curious as to what exactly that is.

Once I have a Harvester and better skills and if I am deemed worthy (whatever that might be), I will delve into these secrets in order to become the strongest slobbering dragon maniac berserker there ever was.
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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyWed Feb 25, 2015 10:02 pm

Perhaps Obsidian Dragon is an alternative name for the Solar Banshee?

This is the most fearsome electro-magnetic creature known, about twice as powerful as a Matriarch.
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Sir Whoa
Rune Scholar
Sir Whoa

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptySat Feb 28, 2015 7:16 am

I reject your theory and replace it with this

Obsidian Dragon Y8WP9ro
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Rune Master

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyWed Mar 04, 2015 3:51 pm

Obsidian Dragon Darkdragon
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Captain Bacon

Captain Bacon

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyFri Mar 06, 2015 1:54 am

Solarix! We need to know! What is it? Is Kai-Xyn a Shadow? Are you secretly a follower of Kai-Xyn? Will Whoa succeed on his quest to be the very best, like no one ever was? Will he be the strongest slobbering dragon maniac berserker ever? Is my Yetty/Whoa slashfic canon? Will we ever find the answers to life's persistent questions? What is in powdermilk biscuits, exactly, and why do they give shy persons the strength to get up and do what needs to be done? Is Kosh an angel? Who is the Doctor, really? Where's the rum? Will we ever find out the answers to these questions?

Find out next time on: Slobbering Dragon Maniac Berserkers! the book the movie the video game the fanfic the television show
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Rune Master

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Titles: Runic Guardian of Koo-Rir | Dragon Slayer

Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyFri Mar 06, 2015 11:05 pm

Captain Bacon wrote:
Solarix! We need to know! What is it? Is Kai-Xyn a Shadow? Are you secretly a follower of Kai-Xyn? Will Whoa succeed on his quest to be the very best, like no one ever was? Will he be the strongest slobbering dragon maniac berserker ever? Is my Yetty/Whoa slashfic canon? Will we ever find the answers to life's persistent questions? What is in powdermilk biscuits, exactly, and why do they give shy persons the strength to get up and do what needs to be done? Is Kosh an angel? Who is the Doctor, really? Where's the rum? Will we ever find out the answers to these questions?

Find out next time on: Slobbering Dragon Maniac Berserkers! the book the movie the video game the fanfic the television show

The Obsidian Dragon, and Kai-Xyn, are all part of the Obsidian Pilgrimage storyline.
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Sir Whoa
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Sir Whoa

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptySat Mar 07, 2015 8:17 pm

Captain Bacon wrote:
Is my Yetty/Whoa slashfic canon?

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Captain Bacon

Captain Bacon

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptySat Mar 07, 2015 8:49 pm

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Sir Whoa
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Sir Whoa

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptySat Mar 07, 2015 10:23 pm

Now I'm wondering if it's possible to become Runic Guardian of Kai-Xyn, lol.
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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyThu Mar 12, 2015 1:52 am

Solarix has been experimenting with the energy patterns that spawn from Dragon Dens and has discovered a new lifeform signature caged inside the deep energy. The Galactic Council fears what this this new lifeform could bring to the universe and has invested their resources into advanced cloaking technologies to hide the lifeform and keep it from materializing.
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Rune Master

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Titles: Runic Guardian of Koo-Rir | Dragon Slayer

Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyThu Mar 12, 2015 2:30 pm

I seem to have spotted something in Xeho earlier today.
Jeff K. Foam was unstable as the anomaly got in some more exotic matter from wherever the exotic matter comes from, and at the same time I detected a residual heat signature. My long range scanner came up with this image:

Obsidian Dragon GA7Mr5C

When I landed on the same tile, there was nothing, and when I moved off of it, there was nothing anymore either.
I swear I see something on the scan though.
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Captain Bacon

Captain Bacon

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyThu Mar 12, 2015 9:35 pm

Don't worry Solarix, you're not crazy.
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Viona Veritas

Viona Veritas

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyFri Mar 13, 2015 11:14 pm

This is eerie. I believe you about this and maybe the creature - whatever it is - is as afraid of us as much as we possibly are of it.
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Sir Whoa
Rune Scholar
Sir Whoa

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptySat Mar 14, 2015 12:49 am

It can't be: I think it's the opposite. It is merciful but could destroy any one of us in a few seconds. I believe mostly that it is testing us until it believes we are worthy.
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Viona Veritas

Viona Veritas

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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptySat Mar 14, 2015 12:54 am

When you put it like that I wouldn't say it is testing us... more like playing with us.
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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon EmptyMon Nov 30, 2015 11:18 pm

Not to be confused for the other Space Dragon Queen that already resides to the West of the Xeho SB, whose Identity has yet to be revealed.
She has no connection to the 16 Matriarchs so far, hopefully Kai-Rang did not forget this beaut for his harem. Razz
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Obsidian Dragon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obsidian Dragon   Obsidian Dragon Empty

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Obsidian Dragon
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